Visual Designer & Illustrator



The Brief
Loophole is an exhibition that explores the moral/ethical dilemma that arises from the possibility of meddling with the past. If we were able to time travel, are we morally obligated or have the right to mess with nature in the name of preventing tragedies or changing events that already happened? Do we have any right to play God?

The exhibition poses the question of whether mankind is allowed to play Judge when faced with the destiny of history. Though time travel is not possible (yet), Loophole‘s objective is to open a discussion on how far we as a society should be allowed to mess with nature, and if there are any boundaries we should not cross.

Who is this For?
People who want to take a more introspective look at morally ambiguous topics.


Would you change the past?


Loophole was chosen as the title of this exhibition for its applicability to the discussion surrounding time travel. While no factual evidence has been collected yet, there is still a persistence within many people to believe in the possibility of this phenomenon, and that is why we constantly look for a loophole - a hope that rises from our desire to go back and alter the past.


A perfect example of the dilemma arises from the question: If you could travel back in time, would you kill baby Hitler? There has been much discussion on whether killing the dictator before he has done anything is justified or not. On one hand, the logical conclusion is that you would be preventing a tragedy, so you would be doing a favor to humanity by killing the baby. However, another argument exists: killing baby Hitler wouldn’t solve anything, as someone else is most likely to take his place. 

This interactive wall gives the visitor the opportunity to vote anonymously whether they would influence this impactful historical event or not. Additionally, visitors will then get to see the results of the survey.


The exhibition’s complementary brochure offers an interactive view of the history of time travel.
